Populous: The Beginning Script 3  1.0.0
Documentation for Populous Script 3 engine
Scenery Struct Reference

#include <Module_DataTypes.h>

Public Attributes

short AltOffset
class ObjectProxy BridgeIdx
unsigned char BridgeNum
struct eastl::array< unsigned int, 8 > Cost
short Duration
unsigned char Flags
short GrowthRate
unsigned char HeadType
unsigned char IslandNum
unsigned char LevelDrawNum
class ObjectProxy LinkTriggerIdx
long MaxScale
unsigned char PlayerEnroute
unsigned char PortalLevel
unsigned char PortalStatus
unsigned char PortalType
short ResourceRemaining
short ScaleIncr
short Type
unsigned short UnitsEnroute
unsigned char UserId
class ObjectProxy WWThingIdx

Detailed Description

Definition at line 990 of file Module_DataTypes.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: