Populous: The Beginning Script 3  1.0.0
Documentation for Populous Script 3 engine
Module_Map.h File Reference

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void import (enum modules)
void exit ()
bool include (class std::basic_string< char, struct std::char_traits< char >, class std::allocator< char > >)
struct Coord3D MAP_XZ_2_WORLD_XYZ (union MapPosXZ, struct Coord3D *)
struct Coord3D MAP_XZ_2_WORLD_XYZ (long, long)
unsigned long MAP_ELEM_PTR_2_IDX (struct MapElement *)
void ensure_point_on_ground (struct Coord3D *)
unsigned char is_map_point_land (struct Coord2D *)
unsigned char is_sub_cell_walkable_in_direction (unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned short)
long is_map_cell_a_building_belonging_to_player (unsigned short, long)
long is_map_cell_n_squares_away_from_other_owned_building (unsigned short, long, long)
unsigned char is_map_cell_flat_and_land (unsigned short)
unsigned char is_map_cell_flat (unsigned short)
unsigned char is_map_cell_land (unsigned short)
unsigned char is_map_point_sea (struct Coord2D *)
unsigned char is_map_cell_near_coast (unsigned short, short)
unsigned char is_map_cell_bldg_markable (struct Player *, unsigned short, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned char)
unsigned char is_cell_markable_with_near_bldgs_and_markers (unsigned short, short, signed char)
unsigned char are_list_map_elems_flat (struct MapElemList *, long)
unsigned char are_surround_cells_too_steep_for_building (unsigned short, short)
unsigned char are_surround_cells_too_steep_for_wall (unsigned short)
unsigned char are_surround_cells_all_land (unsigned short)
long get_world_dist_xyz (struct Coord3D *, struct Coord3D *)
long get_coastline_point (struct Coord2D *, struct MapElement *, unsigned short)
void get_max_and_min_alts_for_cell (unsigned short, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
long get_max_alt_diff_for_coord2d (struct Coord2D *)
unsigned char get_shade_from_dir_code (signed char)
long get_max_alt_diff_for_cell (unsigned short)
void get_map_square_from_map_idxs (struct MapSquare *, unsigned short, unsigned short)
short get_map_elem_list_average_alt (struct MapElemList *, long)
struct MapElementget_cell_surround_map_element (unsigned short, unsigned char)
struct Thingget_closest_map_cell_thing_type (unsigned char, unsigned char, struct Coord2D const *, struct Coord2D *)
long get_world_dist_xz (struct Coord2D const *, struct Coord2D const *)
long get_dist_xz_cell_quick (unsigned short, unsigned short)
long get_world_dist_xz_quick (struct Coord2D const *, struct Coord2D const *)
long get_world_dist_xyz_quick (struct Coord3D *, struct Coord3D *)
long get_world_dist_xz_cell (unsigned short, unsigned short)
long get_wrap_dist_1d (long, long)
long get_signed_wrap_world_dist_1d (long, long)
struct MapElementworld_coord2d_to_map_ptr (struct Coord2D const *)
struct MapElementworld_coord3d_to_map_ptr (struct Coord3D *)
unsigned short world_coord2d_to_map_idx (struct Coord2D const *)
unsigned short world_coord3d_to_map_idx (struct Coord3D *)
void map_ptr_to_world_coord2d (struct MapElement *, struct Coord2D *)
void map_ptr_to_world_coord2d_centre (struct MapElement *, struct Coord2D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord2d (unsigned short, struct Coord2D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord2d_centre (unsigned short, struct Coord2D *)
void map_idx_sub_cell_to_world_coord2d_centre (unsigned short, struct Coord2D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord3d (unsigned short, struct Coord3D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord3d_centre (unsigned short, struct Coord3D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord3d_no_alt (unsigned short, struct Coord3D *)
void map_idx_to_world_coord3d_centre_no_alt (unsigned short, struct Coord3D *)
void map_xz_to_world_coord2d (unsigned char, unsigned char, struct Coord2D *)
long world_to_in_cell_position (unsigned short)
long world_coord_start_of_cell (unsigned short)
unsigned char get_map_elem_collide_table_idx (struct MapElement const *)
void set_map_elem_collide_table_idx (struct MapElement *, unsigned char)
unsigned char is_map_elem_warrior_in_drum_tower_flag_set_for_player (struct MapElement *, unsigned char)
unsigned char is_map_elem_coast (struct MapElement const *)
unsigned char is_map_elem_all_land (struct MapElement const *)
unsigned char is_map_elem_all_sea (struct MapElement const *)
unsigned char is_map_elem_all_grass (struct MapElement *)
unsigned char is_map_elem_sea_or_coast (struct MapElement *)
unsigned char is_map_elem_land_or_coast (struct MapElement *)
unsigned char is_coord2d_at_cell_centre (struct Coord2D *)
void centre_coord_on_block (struct Coord2D *)
void centre_coord3d_on_block (struct Coord3D *)
void zero_coord_on_block (struct Coord2D *)
void randomize_coord_on_block (struct Coord2D *)
void zero_coord3d_on_block (struct Coord3D *)
unsigned char is_building_on_map_cell (unsigned short)
void ensure_thing_on_ground (struct Thing *)
void ensure_point_above_ground (struct Coord3D *)
unsigned char is_map_cell_obstacle_free (unsigned short)
unsigned char is_thing_on_ground (struct Thing const *)
unsigned char is_coord_on_ground (struct Coord3D const *)
unsigned char is_point_too_steep_for_moving_thing (struct Coord2D *, struct Thing *)
unsigned char is_point_steeper_than (struct Coord2D *, short)
unsigned char is_cell_too_steep_for_building (unsigned short, short)
unsigned char is_cell_too_steep_for_building_destroy (unsigned short, short)
void coord2D_to_coord3D (struct Coord2D const *, struct Coord3D *)
void coord3D_to_coord2D (struct Coord3D const *, struct Coord2D *)
void get_four_surround_map_cell_info (struct Coord2D *, struct MapElemList *)
void get_four_alt_surround_map_cell_info (unsigned short, struct MapElemList *)
void get_nine_surround_map_cell_info (struct Coord2D *, struct MapElemList *)
void coord2d_to_jnav_point (struct Coord2D *, struct wraphug_waypoint *)
void jnav_point_to_coord2d (struct wraphug_waypoint *, struct Coord2D *)
long get_jnav_point_dist_sq (struct wraphug_waypoint *, struct wraphug_waypoint *)
void get_jnav_thing_start_and_end_points (struct Thing *, struct wraphug_waypoint *, struct wraphug_waypoint *)
unsigned char are_coords_on_same_map_cell (struct Coord2D const *, struct Coord2D const *)
void set_map_elem_owner (struct MapElement *, unsigned char)
void validate_thing_coord (struct Coord3D *, struct Thing const *)
void increment_map_idx_by_orient (union MapPosXZ *, signed char)
void set_map_elem_object_shadow (struct MapElement *, long)
long get_map_elem_object_shadow (struct MapElement *)
void set_map_elem_lava_num (struct MapElement *, long)
long get_map_elem_lava_num (struct MapElement *)
short point_altitude_with_objects (short, short)
short point_altitude (short, short)
void set_square_map_params (unsigned short, short, unsigned char)
void affect_mapwho_area (unsigned char, unsigned short, short)
void SearchMapCells (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned short, class std::function< bool __cdecl(struct MapElement *)>)
void SearchMapCellsXZ (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned short, class std::function< bool __cdecl(struct MapElement *, union MapPosXZ &)>)